EXPOSURE TONIGHT: Don’t Take My Child – ITV – 10.40 – 11.40

TONIGHT: Don’t Take My Child – ITV – 10.40 – 11.40


  1. How representative will the programme be of the reality of deprived and suffering parents?
  2. Will it be biased?
  3. What difference is it going to make

Here is the associated website.

Here’s the video for a month.

About Sabine Kurjo McNeill

I'm a mathematician and system analyst formerly at CERN in Geneva and became an event organiser, software designer, independent web publisher and online promoter of Open Justice. My most significant scientific contribution is now a solution to the Prime Number problem: https://primenumbers.store/
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6 Responses to EXPOSURE TONIGHT: Don’t Take My Child – ITV – 10.40 – 11.40

  1. Pingback: DON’T TAKE MY CHILD on ITV + EXARO News about the Organised Child Sexual Abuse inquiry | Victims Unite!

  2. I saw part of the program last night it is a beginning… and exposes only a tiny part of the problem. Channel Five Exposure asks for people who may have been affected by the contents to contact them. This creates an opportunity to let them know the true size of the problem.. and give them the real money making motives of the “child caring profession” . The effect of children who will grow up not knowing their real parents.. and the inevitable distress of not knowing… and the risks of foster parent or adoptive parent abuse… It is undeniable that nobody can love protect and devote their lives to a child like a natural parent can. The victims of this abuse continue to grow in numbers, and the cracks are beginning to show. Now is the opportunity for every parent and grandparent who has lost their child to this abuse to act NOW and let Channel Five UK know wherever in the world it has happened…

  3. goodmother3 says:

    The problem being social services may start with the best intentions but when they make a mistake they will not hold their hands up. They will then try and find any evidence to fit with what they originally presumed. Presumption or Concerns??? yes this is the wording that they use, NOT FACT. They have NO EVIDENCE it is only based on their own opinion that entire families are crucified and left to rot. Yes other professionals are involved in the process, but what they failed to mention is that these other professionals do talk and raise concerns and presumptions amongst each other before any official meetings, this leaves a ‘group think’ and the victims left condemned. At meetings you have an INDEPENDENT reviewing officer, or a Judge if it is in court, but what they don’t tell you is a Judge or an Independent reviewing officer will always take the word of a professional before the word of a Human who has just had their HEART physically removed. My personal circumstances where similar to that of Lucy Allen in that I had my own assessments done, and the only Mental Health problem I had was ‘ACUTE STRESS REACTION caused by THE REMOVAL OF MY CHILDREN FROM MY CARE’. I have asked for a number of other mental health professionals to assess me and they have ALL had the same conclusion. The ONLY person that had a concern was a HV (who is actually being investigated at the moment). There was NO social worker assessment and NO professionals eg. nursery/schools/doctors etc involved in the supposedly strategy meeting who took the decision to remove my children, which I must say were returned to me after 5 weeks. That is not the end, this is the beginning of more abuse as they now have to try and justify their actions. Their presumptions and concerns are closely followed by allegations (remember the group think), these allegations are now permanently on your records but when you produce evidence that the allegation are false, then it is swept under the carpet and not corrected. Then the problems really start as you have just undermined/humiliated not just the social worker but ALL professionals involved as they all had a part in the allegation raised (group think). This circle of events can go on for years but will never stop until your child is 18. Think it stops there, well NO, when your child has a child it will be flagged up as he/she was on the child protection register, and bare in mind social workers are looking for ‘The Abused becomes the Abuser’. The only chance is that we CAN fight back when a social worker is NOT professional, and clear not just our names but our children’s. I am taking my case further so I can’t go into much detail but I would like to add something that was not mentioned as a major concern in the programme. THE CHILDREN These young, vulnerable, innocent children have been Physical Abused (physically removed from their parent) Emotionally Abused (either told or will think their parent is a danger to them) and in some cases, Neglected as they say ‘children bounce back’ or ‘they won’t want us pestering them, just let them go back to how they were’. SERIOUSLY??? where is the support?
    My questions are, if anyone could answer them
    1. Do social services investigate complaints about social workers? (no, these are to be expected, who likes social workers anyway)
    2. If there is a real risk a social worker is not professional, what happens? ( nothing, the cover up begins)
    3. If it is proven with evidence that a social worker or other professionals have in fact falsely accused a parent without any evidence, causing the physical removal of a child and causing the emotional harm this brings to a child. Are these so called professionals arrested? NO
    4. Are these so called professionals arrested for any emotional abuse caused to the parents. NO
    Justice will never prevail unless we fight back and keep it in the public domain.
    Some cases are compared to the Death Penalty, NO it is worse; it is being forced to live at being dead

  4. Pingback: OPEN LETTER to the Met regarding internationally protective paedophiles – at the cost of a Lithuanian boy | Voluntary Public Interest Advocacy

  5. Pingback: WHO CARES when foreign children are #abused in #fostercare? | A Nigerian Family – Destroyed by Haringey Council – Gagged from Reporting

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