Couple Cleared Of Child Abuse Campaign For Change In The Law

Researching Reform

In the latest in a string of cases seeing innocent parents losing their children to the care and adoption system, campaigners are now focusing on trying to change the law, but are they targeting the root cause of the problem or just scratching the surface?

Karissa Cox and her partner Richard Carter were accused of abusing their baby when doctors found bruises and what were thought to be fractures on the baby’s body. The baby was subsequently taken into care, and later adopted.

Three years on, the parents have now been exonerated from harming their child, and despite clear evidence that they were not responsible for their baby’s injuries – the baby suffered with a blood disorder and other ailments which caused the baby to have infantile rickets – they are unlikely to be reunited with their child.

The tension in the law as it stands is between the…

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About Sabine Kurjo McNeill

I'm a mathematician and system analyst formerly at CERN in Geneva and became an event organiser, software designer, independent web publisher and online promoter of Open Justice. My most significant scientific contribution is now a solution to the Prime Number problem:
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4 Responses to Couple Cleared Of Child Abuse Campaign For Change In The Law

  1. Remember that since April 2014
    the new section 51A of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, makes provision for applications for contact AFTER an adoption order has been made.
    This couple should ask their ignorant or lazy legal team to apply immediately for contact with their child, but I doubt if these shysters will even bother to do so……………….

  2. The obvious change in the law needed is that the State ,and especially the family courts, should never penalise law abiding citizens.
    No parents should lose their children unless they have been convicted of a significant crime against children .If they are charged with sich a crime, the child should be removed but returned in the event of a “not guilty” verdict.

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