INVITATION to the Conference on Child Removal Proceedings in the Council of Europe Member States and Related Human Rights Issues

This international conference on 03 October in Prague is the remarkable effort of an amazing lady: Marica Pirosikova, Agent of the Government of the Slovak Republic before the European Court of Human Rights, the great facilitator of getting the Boor boys back to Slovakia:



Prague, Charles University, 3 October 2014

Morning session

08:30 – 09:00  Registration of the participants


                        General remarks. Presentation of the objectives of the Conference.

09:00 – 09:30 Representative of Charles University

9:30 – 10:30    THEME 1

Child removal cases in the United Kingdom (description of the current situation – organisation of the system and its deficiencies, statistics, victims, description of the proceedings before the family courts, possible third party intervention from other States if the parents are foreign nationals,
Sir James Munby´s judgment dealing with the court’s approach to care proceedings concerning children from other European countries)

  • Suggested key note speakers:

09:30 – 09:50 Mr John HEMMING, member of British Parliament

09:50 – 10:10 Ms Marie-Claire SPARROW, barrister at Holborn Chambers and at European Family Law Chambers

10:10 – 10:30 Ms Helen NEWMAN, solicitor

10:30 – 11:00  Coffee break

11:00 – 13:00 THEME 2

Child removal cases in the Nordic countries (description of the current situation –
organisation of the system and its deficiencies,
statistics, victims, description of the judicial proceedings)

  • Suggested key note speakers:

11:00 – 11:20 Ms Ruby HARROLD-CLAESSON, president of the Nordic Committee for Human Rights

11:20 – 11:40 Mr Johan BÄCKMAN, associate Professor of Sociology of Law, University of Helsinki

11:40 – 12:00 Mr Søren Bernhard LINDEGAARD, attorney, Denmark

12:00 – 12:20 Ms Venil Katharina THIIS, attorney, Norway

  • Discussion

13:00 – 14:30  Lunch

Afternoon session

14:30 – 15:30  THEME 3

International standards concerning child removal cases (the relevant ECHR case-law, the execution of the ECHR judgement, the PACE resolution 1908 (2012) adopted on 30 November 2012, activities at the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament)

  • Suggested key note speakers:

14:30 – 14:45  Mr Grégory THUAN Dit DIEUDONNE, attorney, former senior lawyer at the ECHR

14:45 – 15:00  Ms Nuala MOLE, senior lawyer, the AIRE Centre

15:00 – 15:15 Ms Lucja Miara, lawyer, Department for the Execution of Judgments of the ECHR

15:15 – 15.30 Ms Sabine Kurjo McNEILL, Association of McKenzie Friends

15:30 – 16:00  Coffee break

16:00 – 17:00  THEME 4

Practical experiences

  • Suggested key note speakers:

16:00 – 16:20  Ms Florence BELLONE, journalist

16:20 – 16:35  Ms Norika STUDENCOVA, Slovak grand-mother (Boor case)

16:35 – 16:50 Laila BRICE, Latvian single mother

16:50 – 17:05 Jacque COURTNAGE, South-African mother

  • Discussion

For more information and registration, please contact Erik Bihary AT

About Sabine Kurjo McNeill

I'm a mathematician and system analyst formerly at CERN in Geneva and became an event organiser, software designer, independent web publisher and online promoter of Open Justice. My most significant scientific contribution is now a solution to the Prime Number problem:
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14 Responses to INVITATION to the Conference on Child Removal Proceedings in the Council of Europe Member States and Related Human Rights Issues

  1. I hope that this Conference will help to successfully counter and fully expose the underlying problem that underpins the UK child snatching scandal: that of the dishonest use of falsely
    procured and bogus “court orders”, issued by the County Councils themselves – ‘in house’ and NOT held on record at the Family Division of the High Court nor the Principal Registry!
    i.e. I have first-hand evidence that there are FALSE DOCUMENTS which purport to be “Court orders” being used in the UK SECRET Courts, where in fact NO RECORD of the case files exist at the court. A court with no records is no court at all!
    The shocking implications of this fraudulent but widespread deceptive practice are far-reaching, involving unashamed but illegal RACKETEERING. It means that there is NO DUE PROCESS of Law, and it PREVENTS / prohibits “fair hearings” because any Applications that are made by the oppressed parent/s or their advocates, will have no audience because Applications can not be filed anywhere in a Court of no record!
    Does this help to throw any light on why Paedo Britain has been getting away with trampling on the rights of vulnerable children and their mothers? It is a dishonest and oppressive REGIME, or which many UK politicians are major participants.

  2. Mike says:

    The comment of one voice group is both interesting and disturbing, I trust Sabine has read it or will do so soon. Court dates permitting I will attend the conference myself and also invite a Czech lawyer friend and representatives of a Czech family who have lost their son/grandson to the Uk care system.

  3. Reblogged this on Bringing Home Baby… and commented:
    To permanently separate a child from his/her parents is a LIFE SENTENCE

  4. Pingback: APPEALING to the Home Affairs Committee: evidence of Child Sexual Exploitation and localised grooming | Victims Unite!

  5. sulikiene says:

    Reblogged this on visuomenedotcom and commented:
    Kvietimas vaikų grobimo procedūrų konferencijai.

  6. sulikiene says:

    IT happens not only in UK. My niece is taken away in France, and kept without any news to family since 2013 11 12. I am a Lithuanian lawyer, and I also work with children cases, I help mothers to get children back home. Our embassy, our Prosecutor office, our police, and our Children office haven’t done anything since January. I have written to our President, I will look, what she will say, as our embassy in France firs in February didn’t answer and didn’t do anything, and now after I have applied to…France embassy in Lithuania – as Lithuania do nothing about our case – now this embassy wrote that will try to find girl, but police also could work, they write. Everybody push the responsibility for the girl to another institution, and the central Chilnder institution even didn’t call or write to France, to really find a girl!!! And the police didn’t want. They write, that our girl is under protection of France. But she is Lithuanian citizen. Kristina Sulikiene

    • Yes, it’s an international network of criminals that is better organised than we are! But the UK is at the origin and worst because of its private schooling where homosexuality starts and emotionally damaged boys get educated to become the ‘elite’…

      You may want to look at for Lithuanian connections… Unfortunately, the mother doesn’t see ‘straight’ any more. And the father MUST have ‘paedo clout’ with Social Services! You can find her on Facebook.

      • sulikiene says:

        Lithuanian secret services have very close tights not only to Italian mafia and secret services, but also to all secret services in the world, also to UK, and Irelands, so that I believe what you say. I haven’t heard about conecctions with France, but in my case the link between Lithuania and France is also obvious. To hide the truth for already 10 months it is unbelievable,,,

  7. Pingback: MUMMY where are you? When children suffer abuse – from parents or institutions | No Punishment without Crime or Bereavement without Death!

  8. Pingback: The Forced Adoption Scandal that shames Britain | No Punishment without Crime or Bereavement without Death!

  9. Florence Bellone says:

    Sulikiene, I would like to know more about your niece taken away in France. I am also studying the child protection issue in France and could actually put the child parents in contact with parents defense associations there. Not sure about the rule on this blog, if I am allowed to give you my email ?

  10. Pingback: Conference on Child Removal Proceedings in the Council of Europe member states and related Human Rights issues | No Punishment without Crime or Bereavement without Death!

  11. Pingback: PRAGUE CONFERENCE on International Child Removal in Council of Europe in a Nutshell | Voluntary Public Interest Advocacy

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